Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bosan n kompius laa~

waaa..bored gilew..nk nem game ps3 xdew..waaa~cadang nk amik cz photography..but ayh kate rugi laa result cantek amik bnd tuw..

so nk wat cmne..fes aq pilih asasi farmasi laa..tibai sajew..

dh bored thp kritikal neh nk wat pew erk??
a-(fav nad..hahaha..)

c-(haram xley..hahaha..)


Biodata Bedah~

Nama :Nad de Meto de Armor
Umur  : 17 tahun 36 bulan 48 jam
T.lahir : 09.09.09
T.lahir : KK (Kota Kinabalu)
Gelaran : Bedah~
Tinggi : Lebih kurang tnggi pintu rumah
Berat :  Melebihi berat 3 guni beras


Jika jumpa ciri2 ini sila maklum kn kepada kami segera~

Monday, March 8, 2010

*happy n bored*

yay!kwn ku sudaa lulus lesen keta..hoorayy!!hahaa..congratz ya fatimatul~boley laa bwk ijat jln2..hehehe..xyh nek LC g..^^
btw,arineh bosan glew..mlm ku sepi bila xdew owg y nk guraw2 n 'sepak'..hahaha..cik nad y meto xon9..cz dy senak perut..u all rase npew dy senak perut..jwpnnye sms me oke..

a. xbace doa mkn..
b. bnyk mkn..
c. skew mkn..
d. mkn angin..

tarikh ttp praduan esok..hahaha..
hush bru nk call ikot ym..adoi2..bored..dh2..hate bloging..bek b'FB..hahaa..


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day By Day..

-11 march makin dekat
-smakin MALAS
-duet smakin skit
-my hair getting bigger n bigger..hahahah..

tah 2..xdew idea nk tulis..cm bodo jew..xmaw tulis arr..bored..bek lyn fb..suda addict dngn 'cafe world'..now addict lak 'fishville'(fatimatul y suggest game neh)..hahaha..adoy2..addict sudaa..xnk ar blog2 neh..cam hampeh jew..hahaha..kt fb ley 'sepak' ngan cik nad..huahahahaha..


Saturday, February 6, 2010


You asked me if I'd ever leave..I was meant to be next to you always..That was my reply..But something I have done has split us apart..And you are never coming back to me again..I'm dreaming of you and I still think you're mine..I'm waiting for you and I never give up..No matter who appears I won't forget..I wish you knew that I'm yours until I die..I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing..One thing I know is it won't be you..Today I found the photograph of you and me..I'm so sad..Can I rewind all our time..And put it back to the place we were meant to be .. T_T

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Did u noe???

FYI, yang atas neh aq edit..cari pic smua laa..then combine..tuk jadikan cerita..

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What Should I Do???:(

You ask me how my day was as if it is same everyday..I say Im okay but you really don't know how I feel..Do you think I'll be okay without you??Are you okay without me??The world without you is so hard that I blame myself for still breathing...

What should I do??Even now, I live each painful days because of your words..Are you living each day painfully like I am??Are we too late??Do we not have a chance??I still think about you and you might not know..Finally is it this??Are we going to end like this? Is it okay with you??I don't think I can do it..The love I find with you, I wont find it anywhere even if I die.

If it isn't you no one else can hold my heart..Please hold me..And you know that even though the whole world tries to..No one can erase your memories..So please hold me..


Saturday, January 16, 2010

miss u so much huny buny!!!^^

Miss u so much(honestly)..so what should i do??doing notink..jz wishing u back..huhuhu..would u save my soul tonight..?i can b ur hero baby..i can kiss away the pain..i will stand by u forever..u can take my breath away..^^

suddenly you leaving..the promise of love has gone..breathing seems so hard to do..i'm gonna smile and tell the world i'm fine..i'm gonna keep my senses..but deep down,when no one can hear me..i can't tink of nothing else but u..

they say luv is jz a game..they say time can heal the pain..i told u once u r the one..u know that i will die 4 u..although it hurts 2 c u go..i tpkasa gak..u noe pew y t'baek 4 u..where evr i go,i won't 4get bout u..


Saturday, January 9, 2010

One Day ! ! !

Dalam tv semua nye indah..huhuhu..tp knp hidup x sama cm dlm tv ohhh..hurmm..tngk kt tv tuw,geum jan di n goo jun pyo tuw slalu gdh..las2 bek blk..npe kte xley cm dyorg..btapa teruk dpa gdh still bek blk..hope,one day kte ley cm dlu g..still waiting!!!


Today ! ! !

Masuk hari neh,dh 3 ari aq xcntact dy ohh..bkn sjew tp xmaw ganggu dy..stiap kali aq text mst aq tny ques y sme..dy pun mst dh xlarat nk jwb..so better xtext dy..xmksd aq lupew dy..ohh..my fren dew suh dngr lagu2 neh..so pew lagi..lyn prasaan dngn lagu2 neh ar...huhuhu..

8eight-without heart
8eight-goodbye my love
Lee Minho-my everthing

huhuhu..so lagu jew laaa tmn aq ohh..
miss u k..

Thursday, January 7, 2010

For You!!!

Soe nk upload vid ori lmbt..cz size nye 72mb..so i record gne fon jew..size kecik skit..sme jew..
Selamat menonton...
I luv her...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

12 things i like bout u!!!

1   - Beautiful
2   - Simple
3   - Friendly
4   - Loveable
5   - Helpful
6   - Loving
8   - beri kyakinan kt i
9   - x materialistik
10 - u make me laugh
11 - u make me cry
12 - u make me luv u

Monday, January 4, 2010


Sunday, January 3, 2010

~Only You~

Regret For The Rest of My Life

Dulu aku kata..aku simpan hati dy dlm bekas kaca..tp skunk hati dy sudah d'curi org len ohh..aku khilangan hati dy..cmne aku nk terus kn hidup law cmneh..'my life suck without you'..smpai skunk prasaan mnyesal still dew..huhuhuhu..i hope i dpt pluang kedua so dpt btulkn ksilapan lps ohh..tp cmne aku nk curi ati dy blek???org kate bnd neh smua xley d'paksa..so aku tnggu,mungkin nnt dy rela tuk ltk ati dy dlm bks kaca neh blk..so we can b 2gther again..i hope sngt..honestly..if dy xmaw beri peluang kedua,definitely aq 'regret for the rest of my life'